Children's National Medical Center in Washington DC

Caring For "All Things Big And Small"
Children's National at the Zoo

What does a zoo have in common with a children’s hospital? More than you might think.

At a family event at Smithsonian's National Zoo on Sept. 16, members of Children's Circle of Care heard from two physicians who use their expertise to care for "all things big and small."  Dr. Kurt Newman, executive director of the Joseph E. Robert, Jr., Center for Surgical Care at Children's National Medical Center, and Dr. Suzan Murray, chief veterinarian and director of animal health at the zoo, explained the unique partnership between the two institutions.

"Not only are we neighbors in the nation's capital," Dr. Newman said, "but we share similar missions as centers of excellence for human health and animal health.  And thanks to strong philanthropic support, we have the resources and passion needed to care for our families and our community, and we consider it an honor to provide that care."

The 160 attendees had an exclusive opportunity to tour the zoo's animal hospital, and children were invited to get "check-ups" for the stuffed animals they had brought.

To find out about joining our Circle of Care, send an email to Grace Weisser.

Children's National Medical Center     |     111 Michigan Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20010     |     301-565-8500