Care for Kids Care Shopping Week

Buy a $50 Care for Kids Shopping Card and receive 20% off at hundreds of stores in Maryland, Virginia, and the District.  Shop stores ranging from Kate Spade to Jimmy Choo and J. Crew and Dalton Brody to Georgetown Running Company and American Plant.  Food and beverage stores like ACE Beverage, Georgetown Cupcake, and Chef Geoff's are included too.  Take advantage of this great discount offer while supporting a great cause!

And remember, 100% of the money raised goes to Children's National Medical Center!

The Board of Visitors of Children's National Medical Center, established in 1870, has been a vital force since the hospital's founding.  The Board contributes to Children's National through volunteer service and fundraising.  Since its inception in 2004, Care for Kids program has raised more than ONE MILLION DOLLARS for Children's National.  And, in the last three years alone, our Board has provided grants totaling more than $1 million that have contributed to research, patient life improvements, family support, medical equipment, and professional development.

Outstanding strides in patient care, combined with innovative research programs, greatly benefit our patients and community, but they come at a high price.  Each year, the hospital provides about $50 million in uncompensated care.  Why support Children's?  Ongoing success is critical to the health of our children and our community, now and in the future.  We invite you to join us in support of Children's by purchasing a Care for Kids Card.

For more information about the Care for Kids program, please contact Cheryl Weiner.

For more information regarding sponsoring the Care for Kids Card, please contact our sponsorship co-chairs for the event, Vicki Campbell or Sandy Langdon.

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