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Your tax-deductible gift helps patients at Children’s National Hospital grow up stronger.

Donations enable our exceptional care providers to advance world-class research, sustain and grow memorable patient experience programs and deliver innovative community health care to kids. Your investment through the Founders Auxiliary Board’s Grants and Major Gifts programs puts compassion into action. Thank you.

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What is this?

Children’s National Hospital’s policy is to dedicate 15% of every restricted gift of $10,000 or more to advancing the Fund for Every Child. This allocation will advance care and research and provide necessary supports for the restricted program. This policy applies to gifts to special purpose funds and endowed funds.

GuideStar Exchange Gold Participant Best Children's Hospitals Honor Roll 2023-24 - U.S. News Report Magnet Recognized America Nurses Credentialing Center

Children's National Hospital has more than 50 pediatric subspecialties and is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. No goods or services are provided in exchange for your generous donation.

Please mail checks to:
Children’s National Hospital Foundation

Attention: Gift Administration
1 Inventa Place, 6th Floor West
Silver Spring, MD 20910

Children’s National Hospital Foundation | 301-565-8500 |

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