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Thank You For Your Donation

Thank you very much for your donation to Children's National Medical Center. Your support helps ensure that our award-winning hospital staff is able to treat every child who enters our doors.

If you made your donation today in honor or memory of someone, you can click on one of the images below to either send an eCard or download one of our ready-to-print cards to notify your honoree of your gift. Choose your card and personalize it now.


Click to send an eCard

Click to download a ready-to-print card
Because of the generosity of people like you, parents know their children are being treated by some of the world's best physicians—regardless of their ability to pay for that care. But we can only make this life-saving care available to families in their time of need if more people who are committed to kids' health support the hospital. Will you take a moment and share with others what inspired you to give to Children's?

If you have any questions or concens about your donation, please let us know how we can serve you better by contacting us at Foundation@Childrensnational.org

On behalf of the doctors, nurses, staff and patients for Children's National, thank you again for making a difference to children everywhere.

Warmest regards,


DeAnn Marshall, MHA
President, Children’s Hospital Foundation
Children’s National Health System

P.S. Double or triple your gift - find out if your employer has a matching gift program!

First Name: First Name
Middle Name: dc:middleName
Last Name: Last Name
Email: dc:email
Street1: dc:street1
City: dc:city
State/Province: State
Zipcode: dc:postalCode
Honoree Full Name: Full Name of Honoree

Donation Date: dc:transactionDate
Tax-deductible Amount: Tax Deductible Amount


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