The Detwilers are participating in the Race for Every Child because we want to make a difference for kids. More specifically, the money we raise will help support the following programs that are really meaningful to us:
- Family Library. The hospital's family library provides patients and families access to free new books during both inpatient admissions and clinic visits. As you all know, Nolan is a VORACIOUS reader. After clinic visits, we often stop in the Family Library to pick out a new book. Nolan is currently collecting the “I am…” series. Books provide a great outlet for kids during hospital admissions and long waits in the clinic, and we think the family library is a tremendous benefit for kids like Nolan.
- Complex Care Clinic. The clinic provides a primary care medical home for children with medical complexity and their siblings. As Nolan has transitioned from IV medications to oral and tablet medications, we became aware of the high number of families who struggle to pay for medications due to limited financial resources. Nolan is currently on 18+ medications, many of which are not covered by insurance. We would like to help other medically complex kids and their families thrive in the same way Nolan has.
Please let us know if you have any questions about these programs . We are immensely grateful for your love and support, and thank you for joining us to help children grow up stronger!