Race for Every Child 2024


Team Brave like Owie

I wanted to share why I walk in memory of Owen and created "Team Brave Like Owie", who I never met, but our paths crossed by chance a few years ago. This tiny warrior, has profoundly touched my heart and changed me as a person forever. Owen was a patient at Children's National in 2021. Unfortunately, this small square I am typing into does not leave a lot of space to truly give Owen the attention he deserves so I am going to take a small excerpt from his Mommy's beautiful writings in her Blog, followthelions.com, about Owen that really speaks to me and how this chance encounter with this brave little Lion changed me:

" Many, many people have said they can't explain it but they feel connected to Owen, changed by him, somehow different having known him, or known of him. If you are one of these people, I hope you always feel this way. I hope you also don't try to analyze it and explain it away but rather let that feeling inhabit you, let him breathe something new into you that perhaps wasn't there before. If somehow he can bring you closer to someone you have lost or someone still living that you haven't spoken to in a while, I hope you'll embrace that--maybe even have the courage to act on it. Maybe you never had a child and you feel connected to Owen and writing to him feels good. If Owen can do these things for you, please let him. "

I took this from his Mommy's Blog "To Earth November 25, 2021 To Heaven December 31, 2021" Followthelions.com

Children's National does amazing things for families and their tiny patients. I truly love their mission. As a Doctor Bear Volunteer a few years ago I got to witness first hand the amazing, caring staff and the amazing things they are doing. Please, if you can find it in your heart to make a donation, no donation is too small. Even better join us on the 17th(virtually) or walk in person at Freedom Plaza, Washington DC on the 19th and walk for this amazing cause.

Much love,

Terry, Noa Jane and Isa Mae

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Team Brave like Owie

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