Thank you for supporting me and our team “NICU Brainy Kids.” Donating to our team means you are supporting the Neonatal Neurocritical Care Program that was founded, developed, and cherished by Dr. Taeun Chang. With your help, we will continue the mission of our late colleague and friend Dr. Chang to improve the neurologic care of infants in the NICU not only at Children’s National, but around the world.
This past year, the Neonatal Neurocritical Care Program has made significant strides from both clinical and research perspectives. Our Hemimegalencephaly Program has seen tremendous advances in the number of patients receiving our novel embolization treatment and in the continual refinement of procedural management to optimize care and outcomes. We also acted as the lead site in a NICU clinical drug trial that examines the benefits and side effects of phenobarbital, an anti-seizure medication. Now, we are recruiting patients for an observational study that looks at the effects of therapeutic hypothermia in newborn infants with mild hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE).
Thanks again for your support!