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with our Mobile Dental Unit

Dental Outreach for Kids

Why Dental Health Matters

A healthy mouth and teeth are essential to a child's growth — physically and mentally. Oral health problems lead to poor nutrition, deformed or missing teeth later in life, disease, and lots of sleepless nights. More than 51 million school hours are missed nationwide due to oral health problems, and kids in the DC area are at a severe disadvantage.

What Parents Can Do

Learning starts at home. From a healthy diet, to regular check-ups with the family dentist, a healthy mouth begins with a healthy home.

What Teachers Can Do

The classroom can give children and parents the knowledge they need to stay healhty. Include some of our activities in your curriculum, or contact us to schedule a visit from Children's National specialist for your classroom or school.

What Kids Can Do

Adults can only help so much. Your healthy mouth depends on you. Put your skills to the test with the Match the Smile game, then talk with your parents and teachers. And don't forget to brush your teeth every night!

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